HOW EMPLOYEES 1ST WORKS: How to Start a Fund
We can have your fund up quickly to respond to your employees’ needs.
Employees 1st makes grants to your hardship-struck workers on your behalf. It’s straightforward. You open a charitable fund and put money in it. We do the rest: determine the need based on your criteria and deliver grants via check or digital payment systems. We also provide regular updates on grant activity. Grants are usually tax-free for employees.
Your company creates an Employees 1st Fund. This takes only a few minutes of your time.
You make tax-deductible donations to your fund. Your employees and vendors can add to the fund online.
CRITERIA DEFINED - You determine who can apply, what events are eligible, when applications can be submitted, amount of grants.
CUSTOM PORTAL - We create a custom online application and branded donation webpage.
We provide a handbook and optional marketing packet to help educate your employees about your fund.
What is Employees 1st? Watch the video above.
How does Employees 1st work? Watch the video above.